
Get help on how to use any command or option based on the location you're currently on.


? | help

Location based help syntax:

Zirkul Command line Interface
Commands reference:
Global commands:
 => ? | help                                      # Help: Display this message
 => cls | clear                                   # Clear screen: Clear the screen
 => var <var_name> = <value>                      # Variable: Store or update a variable
 => vars                                          # List Variables: List current variables
 => print | echo | > <message>                    # Print message: Display a message in the screen
 => -                                             # Exit mode: Exit from configuration mode
 => scan <id>                                     # Load scan: Load scan in Zirkul server
 => date                                          # date: Return the current date
 => now                                           # now: Return the current date including time and milliseconds
 => utcnow                                        # utcnow: Same as "now" returning the date in UTC time
 => day                                           # day: Return the current day (number)
 => month                                         # month: Return the current month (number)
 => year                                          # year: Return the current year (number)
 => hour                                          # hour: Return the current hour (number)
 => minute                                        # minute: Return the current minute (number)
 => second                                        # second: Return the current second (number)

Command help syntax:

zirkul#cls ?
Clear screen: Clear the screen
Usage: cls | clear

Last updated