Command reference

Here you will find the list of commands available in Zirkul Agent, any command can be used in your CICD Jobs.

Zirkul agent can be used as an interactive standalone command line application if you run it with no arguments:



               Zirkul Agent v2.1.11
               Zirkul S.A, 2024

            If you have any questions:

[ ! ] Loading service configuration
[ ! ] Loading Vulnerability translation database
Welcome to Zirkul Agent, send "?" for help on how to use this tool

Once the agent is loaded, you will see the terminal mode is changed to zirkul# which means, Zirkul is ready for receiving commands.

Command line arguments

Command line arguments are also available, you can use -h or --help for getting the list of arguments available:

zirkul -h
usage: zirkul [-h] [-k APIKEY] [-u SERVER] [-f SCRIPT] [-H WEBHOOK] [-w {True,False}] [-a AGENT]
              [-p PLUGINS] [-S {True,False}]

Zirkul Agent 2.1.11 for CLI and CICD automation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY
                        API Key for connecting to Zirkul server
  -u SERVER, --server SERVER
                        Zirkul Server URL (SaaS will be used if not provided)
  -f SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
                        File path for the script you want to run
  -H WEBHOOK, --webhook WEBHOOK
                        Execute a remote job via webhook call
  -w , --wait 
                        Wait for webhook task to be completed
  -a AGENT, --agent AGENT
                        Use an unique agent name that should match with the agent in a job for CICD
  -p PLUGINS, --plugins PLUGINS
                        Overwrite the path where the plugins are located
  -S , --service 
                        Run this tool in service mode if you want to use the agent for running scans

For more information visit:

Commands basics

Some important basic considerations:

  • Commands and arguments need to be separated by spaces. zirkul# command argument

  • Text literals need to be enclosed between single or double quotes: zirkul# print "Hello world"

  • Multiline text is also supported as follows: zirkul# print `multiline text another line`

  • There are locations or configuration modes for configuring settings or plugins, when you're inside a configuration mode the terminal symbol will chance indicating the location you're currently in: zirkul# server zirkul(server)#

  • For getting out of a configuration mode, use the command exit or ' - ' zirkul(server)# exit zirkul#

  • If you need help on the commands available in any mode, use the command help or simply ' ? '

  • Exit the application with exit or quit.

Scripts can be created with the list of commands you want the agent to execute, this is useful for automation purposes, let's create a simple script 'script.txt':

# This is a comment in my first script
var my_name = 'John'
print 'My name is: {{my_name}}'

Now we can run the script with the following command:

zirkul.exe --script script.txt


               Zirkul Agent v2.1.11
               Zirkul S.A, 2024

            If you have any questions:

[ ! ] Loading service configuration
[ ! ] Loading Vulnerability translation database
Welcome to Zirkul Agent, send "?" for help on how to use this tool
[ ! ] Running Script: script.txt
var my_name = 'John'
print 'My name is: {{my_name}}'
My name is: John
[ ! ] Script Completed

Last updated